Recipe Details
Title Split wheat and beetroot salad
Author Ottolenghi
Portions 4
Created 16th February 2015 08:41 am
Weight (Per Portion)

One portion of this dish weighs approximately 333.00 Grams

Recipe Ingredients
Ingredient Quantity Allergen Warnings
Oil, olive5 Tablespoon
Salt, sea1 Pinch
Pepper, white, ground1 Pinch
Carrots700 Gram
Basil, fresh1 Cup US
Vinegar, balsamic2 Tablespoon
Beetroot, cooked250 Gram
Oregano, fresh10 Gram
Garlic1 Clove
Cheese, Goats, full fat,70 Gram
Wheat, sprouted150 Gram
Special Dietary Requirements Suitability
Allergen Warnings
Nutritional Information (Per Portion)
Nutrition %GDA Range
Energy Kcal 408
Protein 19.30%
Other Carbohydrate 15.82%
Sugar 16.00%
Fat Saturated 29.51%
Fat Unsaturated 34.96%
Fiber 26.38%
Sodium 11.78%
Salt 11.99%
Traffic Lights
Recipe Method
1. Soak the wheat in lots of cold water for 24 hours. Drain, cover with fresh water and simmer for an hour, adding boiling water as necessary, to keep the grains immersed. They're done when tender but still have some firmness. Drain, add a tablespoon of oil and a generous amount of salt, then set aside to cool. Preheat the oven to 190C/375F/ gas mark 5. Cut the carrots (peeled) on an angle 1cm thick. Toss with two tablespoons of oil, vinegar and salt and pepper. Spread in one layer on an oven tray and roast for 30 minutes: they should still be crunchy. Remove from the oven and, while hot, mix with the basil and beetroot (cut into 2cm thick wedges). Leave to cool. To assemble, mix the wheat with the carrot and beetroot. Add a tablespoon of oil, oregano stems, leaves picked and garlic (peeled and crushed). Taste, and adjust the seasoning. As you plate up, roughly break the cheese and dot around randomly. Finish with a drizzle of oil.