Food Writers And Stylists
Food Writers In The Firing Line
Recent research by the University Of Newcastle reveals that our favourite celebrity chefs might be killing us. Nigella Lawson, Jamie Oliver, Lorraine Pascale and Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall were all put to the test – and they all failed
Too Much Salt And Fat
Researchers examined the salt, fat and fibre content of randomly selected recipes from the top TV cooks and in two of those three risk categories the famous chefs fell short of recommended nutritional standards.
Not only did their recipes contain more fat and less fibre but they were higher in calories than equivalent supermarket ready meals.
And we already knew that supermarket ready meals weren’t good for us.
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Backed Up By Academic Research
The study, reported in the British Medical Journal, is supported by an independent study conducted by the University of Coventry which also found that 87% of recipes promoted by popular chefs ‘fell substantially short’ of UK government healthy eating recommendations.
Potential Damage To Reputation
But there’s a further risk – to the reputations of our top chefs, cooks and celebrity cookbook writers.
The nutritional nightmares concealed in many of their recipes are not only putting the public at risk, they might be ruining the future of not only TV chefs but food writers too.

The Solution
MenuAnalyser will enable you to fine-tune your recipes and provide accurate nutritional analysis to your publisher. This alone will put you ahead of the game.
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